June Roaster's Pick: Brazil Sitio Pinhalzinho & Katapult blend #010

We have an amazing line up of espresso single origin coffees and blends to try this month, in fact we have too many available in our web-shop, so much so that our roasters duo, Nazrul & Suhaimie, have decided to pick two must-buy from the lot. Hear what they have to say.
Every year, we strive to source, cup and purchase the best tasting Brazilian coffees out there -mainly for the purpose of meeting our requirements in ensuring we have enough of our award winning Dutch blend to supply to Singapore and beyond.
With only 200 bags available for the world from this harvest and 62 bags available for Singapore (psstt we have 60 out of this 62), your palate will surely be teased with a widely fruity Brazil that is delicious enough on its own. We will probably have this available for the next 12 weeks or less, so snap them up soon.

To manage the estate, Sergio has adopted the ‘zero crop’ management system. This means that each season, Sergio separates 2 hectares of his crop for pruning and rest, allowing the trees to return stronger for the next crop. Not only does this improve the productivity of Sergio’s trees, but this also means Sergio can lower his production costs, as a smaller team is needed to manage the state. From this method, Sergio is now able to produce 40 bags from a single hectare.
For processing, coffee from Sítio Pinhalzinho is produced using the Natural method. Coffee cherry is picked when at its most ripe, before being taken to Sítio Pinhalzinho’s patios. Here, cherry is first sorted defined into lots by variety and day of picking. Next, the cherries are sorted, removing any under or over ripes. Once complete, the coffee cherry is evenly spread over the patios, helping to create optimum drying conditions. Once a moisture content of 12% or lower is recorded, dried cherry is collected and transported to the mill. Here, the coffee is milled of its cherry, before being prepped for export.
On the cupping table, we picked up tasting notes of delicious fresh cherries, pomegranate and praline. These nuances translate into a syrupy texture espresso of plums, hazelnut and cocoa while the milk beverage reminds one of sweet butterscotch, cherry pie and almond milk. Delicious!
Katapult is a product that showcase the ability of our roasting team to create a seasonal product that is so good and we will be proud to have. Expect exciting components in our Katapult, as the crops change according to the harvest cycles and seasonality of the origins. Yes, just like Singapore’s favourite King Of Fruit (the durians), coffees have seasonal cycles too and depending on which part of the equator line they sit in and grow, we can have the Ethiopians only available in our warehouse between June to October (they are harvested usually 3 to 4 months earlier then the warehouse arrival date) or the Brazilians only in late October and the Panama towards the end of the year entering into January and February.
For Katapult #010 that we are launching in June as espresso based coffees in the shop, we use fresh coffees from Colombia and Indonesia, a blend of two mouth-watering fully-washed La Primavera and natural West Java Papandayan, that tastes like a blackforest cake, lychee and molasses in your palate.

Since the launch of Katapult in March 2016, we have reached 'numero dieci' or number 10 and it is never in our nature to shy away from a Katapult that will get the palate all excited yet overwhelmed with flavours and #010 promises the same!
West Java Papandayan is no stranger to Dutch Colony, having first introducing it in 2017 and it quickly became a crowd favourite. Ever since, we have always been sourcing from the same farm yearly and the coffee has gotten better each time.
In this blend, we relish and rub our hands in glee as we anticipate the 'explosion in partnership' of Papandayan together with the La Primavera from Colombia, that recently featured as our Roaster's Choice coffee subscription program for the month of April. Those who knows your coffee will know that these are two heavyweights of an origin and how they will compliment each other both as an espresso and a flat white will be beyond the imagination.
They are in our shop grinder hopper for the whole of June or until stock runs out! (and they will be flying off fast!).