127 Defu Lane 10 #02-03
Singapore 539234
T +65-6281-0710
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Appreciating Kaldi & the Berries
$49.00 | Duration: 1.5 hours
Appreciating Kaldi & the Berries covers in depth the details of "From Crop to Cup" experience. In this workshop, you will learn everything from history to what happens to the coffee beans as it transforms from a cherry seed to a beverage served in cafes.
- History & Agriculture | Processing & Roasting | Cupping and Tasting Coffee

Coffee Degustation
$39.00 | Duration: 1.5 hours
Coffee Degustation goes through the basic knowledge of cupping coffees. You will be introduced to the How's and Why's of cupping done by the experts, and how it compares when being served as a beverage. Be prepared for your senses to be ignited.
- Coffee Cupping Procedures | Evaluating Coffee | Cupping vs Beverage

Fundamentals of A Barista
$169.00 | Duration: 2.5 hours
Fundamentals Of A Barista covers all you need to know about espresso extraction and milk frothing. This workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to understand the basic of espresso making and what goes on behind it. You will leave the classroom with the basic stepping stones to becoming a Champion Barista.
- Components of Espresso | Espresso based Beverages | Art of Espresso Extraction | Art of Milk Frothing | Practical session

Pour Your Hearts Out
$129.00 | Duration: 2 hours
In Pour Your Hearts Out, you will learn everything you need to know about pouring latte art. During this 2 hour session, you will be able to understand the proper technique of pouring simple latte art. By the end of it, you will acquire the skills of how to Pour Your Heart Out, into a cup.
- Chemistry of Art | Pouring Techniques | Art of Free Pouring & Etching | Practical session

Deja Brew Techniques
$139.00 | Duration: 2 hours
Deja Brew focuses on everything and anything is non-espresso related.. This workshop not only introduces you to a variety of brewing methods, it also explores how changing parameters will affect the end product. During this 2 hour session, we will go through the theory of manual brewing and apply it to some brews of your own.
- Introduction to Manual Brews | Fundamentals of Brewing | Practical session

The Third-Wave Barista
$209.00 | Duration: 3 hours
For those who have previously attended our Fundamentals Of A Barista workshop, this is a level up and covers all you need to know about being espresso geeky. This workshop prepares one who is in progression into a more senior barista role or for café operator who like to understand in-depth into the world of espresso making.
- Discussion on 1st, 2nd & 3rd Wave Coffee | Espresso & Grinder Calibration Practical | Yield, TDS, VST & Refractometer Practical | Equipment Maintanence

Tulips, Rosettas, & Everything Nice
$149.00 | Duration: 2 hours
So you have graduated from the school of pouring hearts and like to impress your audience with more complicated pours? In this fully hands-on session, we will cover the techniques to pour multiple layered tulips, the famous rosetta and even swans. The faster you adapt, the more patterns you pour.
- Theory Component | Tulip, Rosetta and Hybrid Arts Pouring Techniques Demonstration | Practical

Coffee Cupping for Professionals
$89.00 | Duration: 2 hours
Always fancy to run your own cupping session but have no idea where to start? Like to learn in-depth on the art and science of coffee cupping and score them like the expert? This 2 hours workshop prepares you for just that. Pick up also tips on roasting process and green bean identification.
- Using the cupping protocol, taster wheel and scoresheet | Roasting process and green bean identification | Setting up cupping table | Cupping practical

Introduction to Coffee
$267.50 (Inc. GST) | Duration: 1 Day Course
Learn about coffee’s journey from its origins in Ethiopia to the major commodity it is today. From growing the cherries through grading, roasting, and brewing, this module provides an overview of the coffee value chain. Price excludes examination & certification fee.
- History, Agriculture & Geography | Cupping and Tasting Coffee | Drinks Menu

Barista Skills - Foundation
$481.50 (Inc. GST) | Duration: 1.5 Day Course
The Foundation level provides a first taste of a specific coffee discipline and is a great way to get insight into a module to help you decide if you want to go on to learn more. The Foundation level requires no previous experience. This course will take 1.5 day. Price excludes examination & certification fee.
- Espresso Fundamentals | Basic Milk Techniques | Workspace Management | Basic Customer Service | Cleaning

Barista Skills - Intermediate
$963 (Inc. GST) | Duration: 2.5 Day Course
The Intermediate level is suitable if you are already part of the industry, working in the field covered by the module, and have a firm knowledge of the basic skills. Experience working in the field is recommended for this level. This course will take 2.5 days. Price excludes examination & certification fee.
- Advanced Espresso Knowledge | Milk Science | Detailed Workspace Management | Customer Service | Basic Maintenance

Barista Skills - Professional
$1765.50 (Inc. GST) | Duration: 3.5 Day Course
The Professional level is suitable if you want to pursue specialist knowledge at a high level in your subject. Success at this level should indicate to employers competence to work in the field. Extensive relevant experience is recommended before attempting this level. Candidates must hold the Intermediate qualification in the module before attempting the professional level. This course will take 3.5 days. Price excludes examination & certification fee.
- Advanced & Professional Espresso Knowledge | Milk Science | Detailed Workspace Management | Customer Service | Maintenance & Troubleshooting | Cafe Management | Menu Design