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Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe

Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe

Single Origin | Omni

Cupping Notes:

Raspberry. Dried Peach. Cantaloupe. Muscovado

:     SNNPR, Gediyo, Worka
:     74110 (Heirloom)
:     Natural & Sun-Dried on Raised Beds
:     1983 Metres

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Single Origin | Omni

Cupping Notes:

Raspberry. Dried Peach. Cantaloupe. Muscovado

:     SNNPR, Gediyo, Worka
:     74110 (Heirloom)
:     Natural & Sun-Dried on Raised Beds
:     1983 Metres

This exceptional natural coffee was dry milled and exported by Primrose PLC and Mr Abreham Mengiste , a family crop grown by by smallholder farmers living around the kabele (town) in the area of Nenke, Yirgacheffe region. Coffee is a family crop – grown by households within small gardens, on less than one hectare of land. Producers line their homes with coffee trees, and it is the primary source of income. It is common for producers to intercrop, the Ethiopian banana, avocados, and papaya to have additional food sources. 

After the coffee is carefully hand-picked by each producer – they are carried to the washing station. This is sometimes an 8km journey that is done on foot, with a donkey, or with a motorbike. Upon arrival, the cherries are immediately sorted to remove under and overripe cherries. Once sorted, the coffee is evenly dispersed on raised beds to dry in the open sun for 15 to 20 days and covered mid-day to prevent cracking. Once dried, the beans are trucked to the dry mill, located near the capital city, Addis Ababa. At the dry mill, a pre-cleaning machine removes foreign matter, metal, and stones. The polisher removes the parchment, and silver skin. After polishing, the coffee is graded based on screen size and placed in a gravity separator to remove lightweight and broken coffee beans. Colour sorters provide another layer of quality control, by removing defected beans. A final look by hand is done to ensure nothing was missed.

Our exporter and the mill in Nenke paid more than the market price for a kilogram of red cherry, and those farmers that bring quality red cherry are paid a cash incentive, ensuring higher-than-average overall quality. We are happy to introduced this year new harvested coffee from Worka Nenke, a natural processed coffee, amazingly clean and juicy with flavour clarity like no other naturally processed coffee from the past. Together with the Aricha Wubanchi, Worka Nenke will also be featured in a newly formulated seasonal blend of ours, the Dutch Blend.

Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe
Worka Nenke Yirgacheffe


From $20.00


Blend | Espresso

Sour Cherry . Orange. Chocolate Wafer. Caramel Milk Tea.

From $18.00


Blend | Espresso

Brown Spices. Dark Raisin. Peanut Butter. Milk Chocolate.

From $18.00


Blend | Espresso

Slivered Almond. Cocoa Nibs. Panela Cake. Fruit Bar.



Blend | Espresso

Cherry. Blackberry. Chocolate Milk. Caramel. 

Single Origin | Filter

Tropical Fruits. Orange. Elderflower.