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Dutch Colony Coffee Co.
127 Defu Lane 10 #02-03
Singapore 539234
T +65-6281-0710
127 Defu Lane 10 #02-03
Singapore 539234
T +65-6281-0710
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E-Gift Card
Thinking to get a gift for friends and family but not sure what to get?
Introduce them to Dutch ...
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Thinking to get a gift for friends and family but not sure what to get?
Introduce them to Dutch Colony Coffee with our online e-gift cards that provide them the flexibility to make purchase on our online store. These e-gift cards are delivered by email and allow your friends and family to redeem them on purchase made on
You will receive an email with gifting instruction after you completed your gift card purchase.
These e-gift cards are for purchase through our online store at only and cannot be redeemed at our retail shops. They are non-refundable and do not expire. |

The Morning Machine
The World's Leading Coffee Capsule Machine!
Coffee: Brew On-The-Go
Coffee: Brew On-The-Go
Brewed Coffee, Fresh Milk & Coffee Peripherals