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Ngin Plantation

Ngin Plantation
Ngin Plantation

Single Origin | Espresso

Dark Chocolate. Roasted Hazelnut. Sweet Herbs

:     Giris, Chikmagalur
:     Catuai, Chandragiri, SLN 795
:     Fully Washed & Dried On Raise Beds
:     950 - 1250 Metres

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Single Origin | Espresso

Dark Chocolate. Roasted Hazelnut. Sweet Herbs

:     Giris, Chikmagalur
:     Catuai, Chandragiri, SLN 795
:     Fully Washed & Dried On Raise Beds
:     950 - 1250 Metres

Ngin Plantation is a single origin coffee  sourced from a collection of the finest estates, high grown washed Arabica near to Hassan mill, nurtured since the 1870.s Most of these estates are cradled near Chikmagalur which adjoins the wooded Western Ghats mountain range. This region has been recognized as one of the 12 most eco-sensitive and bio-diverse zones on the planet. Growing 1250 meters above sea level , the coffee is sheltered by two mighty canopies of old jungle trees like Rosewood, White Ceder, Red Ceder, Ficus, Silver Oak etc., and a lower canopy of soft wood trees. Countless fresh water streams flow through the estates and off late, these estates have also become home to a population of wild elephants, with many being born in the coffee estate itself.

Each cherry in the estate is patiently handpicked by the spiritual masters of the land, the tribesmen. These people have absorbed every nuance and secret of their brothers and sisters in the woods, birds and plants. In their delicate hands, the plants unfurl the secrets of pure taste and flavor.

India is one of largest producer of Arabica coffee in the world and single origins from India have been one of the popular choice, much sought after by our audience and Dutch Colony takes pride in sourcing only the best coffees that India have to offer. Some of the best selling coffee from India that we have sourced and roasted are in the likes of the washed Thippanahali, Kolarkhan Estate, Amrutha Plantation and most recently the delicious Bettadamalali Estate. This season, we proudly shares Ngin Plantation - spread over 1000 acres of prolific coffee plantation interspersed with forest trees and lies adjacent to the Periyar Tiger Reserve, the richest biodiversity spot of the Western Ghats.

Ngin Plantation
Ngin Plantation
Ngin Plantation
Ngin Plantation

Single Origin

Single Origin | Filter

Tropical Fruits. Orange. Elderflower. 


La Illusion

Single Origin | Omni

Dark Cherry. Blackberry. Mango.

Single Origin | Omni

Can't decide on a favorite? Our Coffee Taster's Pack has you covered! Featuring 5 expertly roasted single origins, each pack offers a journey through distinct flavours—from complex and floral to smooth and fruity. Perfect for coffee enthusiasts or anyone looking to discover their next go-to brew.

Single Origin | Filter

Gingerflower. Spearmint. Cinnamon Sugar. 

Single Origin | Filter

Kyoho Grape. Orange Blossom. Mango.