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Midnight Run

Midnight Run
Midnight Run

Organic Mountain Water Decaffeinated | Espresso

Brown Sugar. Red Dates. Goji Berry.


:   Mexico
:   Grapos
:   Typica, Marsellesa, Bourbon
:   Fully Washed & Decaffeinated
:   1250 - 1700 Metres

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Organic Mountain Water Decaffeinated | Espresso

Brown Sugar. Red Dates. Goji Berry.


:   Mexico
:   Grapos
:   Typica, Marsellesa, Bourbon
:   Fully Washed & Decaffeinated
:   1250 - 1700 Metres

Here in Dutch Colony, we do take our decaf seriously. Each year, we source only great tasting caffeine-free coffees which are decaffeinated through a chemical-free process; either the Swiss Water or the Mountain Water process. Through this method only, you are guaranteed a delicious cup of decaf coffee which promises not to compromise on flavour and quality. Truly a coffee that can be enjoyed all night long. 

In this 3rd edition of our Midnight Run, we have selected the delicious single origin from Grupo de Agricultores Positivos R.L. (Grapos), an organisation founded in 2007. Throughout the Chiapas region, specifically in the El Porvenir and Llano Grande municipalities, are collections of smallholder coffee producers growing coffee in the rich upper reaches of the mountains. The GRAPOS organization was initially comprised of 90 producers, growing to 300 the following year, and expanded to the 2,708 producers involved today, 772 of which are females.

El Porvenir translates to mean ‘the future,’ which is evident in its high altitudes, rich biodiversity, and potential to create a harmonious future with high quality coffee production and ecosystem preservation. The area also borders the Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, which explains the biodiverse array of native flora and fauna in the area. GRAPOS seeks to provide each of these producers with the necessary guidance to produce high quality coffee. This comes in the form of technical assistance, free seedlings to replace damaged trees, in addition to other educational programs. 

Going through a special and unique non-chemical process uses clear pure waters from the highest mountain in Mexico, the Pico de Orizaba, known as Citlatepetl in the local indigenous language. The process works by immersing the green beans in water to extract the caffeine content. The water preserves the soluble flavour components of the green beans, helping to protect the original characteristics of the coffee. The Mountain Water Process is patented and is also Organically and Kosher certified.

Midnight Run
Midnight Run
Midnight Run
Midnight Run


From $20.00


Blend | Espresso

Sour Cherry . Orange. Chocolate Wafer. Caramel Milk Tea.

From $18.00


Blend | Espresso

Brown Spices. Dark Raisin. Peanut Butter. Milk Chocolate.

From $18.00


Blend | Espresso

Slivered Almond. Cocoa Nibs. Panela Cake. Fruit Bar.



Blend | Espresso

Cherry. Blackberry. Chocolate Milk. Caramel. 

Single Origin | Filter

Tropical Fruits. Orange. Elderflower.